Food bank


Run by MACS - Melbourn Action Community Support

We will be open 10-12 on Mondays and Thursdays at Vicarage Close Community Hall, Melbourn, SG8 6DY and will be providing non perishable food and basic essentials.

If you are unable to attend the Foodbank, home delivery can be arranged. Please contact Steph, details below.

Donation Boxes will be located at:

Permanent Boxes

  • All Saints Church
  • Baptist Church
  • United Reformed Church
  • Black Horse Pub
  • Dolphin Pub
  • Parish Office ( Upstairs in The Hub)
  • Dobbies Pet Corner
  • Original Factory Shop
  • Hot Numbers
  • Philimores Pet Shop
  • Green Man Pub (Dunsbridge Turnpike)

Monday/Friday Boxes

  • 27 Drury Lane
  • The Chimes Mortlock Street
  • 17 Worcester Way
  • 87 Beechwood Avenue
  • Donations can also be delivered to the hall during opening hours. Mondays and Thursdays 10am to 12pm
  • Please check the Melbourn Action Community Support Group for details of donations we would appreciate this week.
Warm Space

MACS also run a Warm Hub at
Vicarage Close Community Hall on Monday and
Thursday from 12pm to 3pm. Please note that on the 4th Thursday of the month the Warm Hub only runs run 12pm to 1.30pm

We will be providing hot and cold drinks and biscuits in a warm and welcoming environment to meet friends or socialise. Come and join us for our organised games (carpet bowls, table tennis, darts, card games and more).